
XTN is a Game Changer in the Energy Industry since:

– XTN is an “Automatic Purchasing Machine for Consumers” of electricity, gas and heat with producers as co-owners, where   consumer can choose a mix of energy forms which fits consumer’s individual values and where the price premiums from consumer values are transferred to the producing co-owners providing an extra margin.

– XTN is a Demand Side Management System balancing Demand/Response by utilizing the three energy forms under one umbrella: electricity, gas and heat.

– XTN is a Demand Side Management system as decided by the EU Commision 5. november 2013

– XTN complies with the EU Commissions 3. energy package unbundling Distribution from Production

– XTN complies with the EU Commisions regulation of unbundling energy content from the infrastructure

– XTN complies with the EU Commisions regulation of unbundling gas and oil price

– XTN complies with the EU Commisions recommendation of 22. january 2014 to the European Parliament.

leading to the low carbon society

XTN is not a company providing IT services to outside customers rather it is an energy company itself inviting energy producers as co-owners with the right mix of energy forms which will be benefitting from the system “Energy a la Carte at Household Site”



So, what are the solution to all this? That is to exploit the EU Commisions decisions: (1) pack to unbundle distribution from production; (2) the decision of 5. November 2013 to solve the Demand/Response with Demand Side Management; (3) the proposal to the EU Parliament to let the market solve the challenges. All based on EUs 4 liberties.


This exploitation leads to the natural solution to manage the Demand/Response challenge by looking at all energy markets – electricity, gas, heat – under the same umbrella and to empower the consumers to manage the system by price at their door step – to give the consumers a choice of energy form – ie Balancing Demand / Response with Multiple Energy Forms at Household Site

The missing link

Hence, we are facing the need for: A missing link between Producer and Consumer/Prosumer where the Consumer/Prosumer both consumes different forms of energy at their doorstep at their choice commensurate with their values as well as producing different forms of energy commensurate with their values. The key here is “values” and “price”.

XTN Group is such a Missing link between Producer and Consumer/Prosumer with its ready to go Demand Side Management system “Energy a la Carte at Household Site” after 7 years of Development.